Caroline Wilson

Caroline Wilson

A Homeopathic consultation:

During a Homeopathic consultation, your practitioner will ask many questions to build up a complete picture of your condition, including your past medical history and emotional challenges to understand your individual needs. This consultation does not take the place of a diagnosis from your doctor and I would encourage you to have regular checks on your health with your doctor, not least to measure your progress.

Clients often feel a sense of wellbeing, optimism and relaxation after taking their homeopathic medicines that are usually supplied in sugar tablet form.

The speed with which you feel relief will depend on the condition being treated. Your recovery rate will also depend on the nature and duration of the illness and your individual vitality.

I would welcome the chance to discuss your particular ailments with you, feel free to leave me a comment with your contact details and I will respond as soon as possible. I work from clinics in Hailsham (Bethany House Surgery in Battle Road) and Horam in East Sussex (Horam Natural Therapy Centre 01435 812997).

About Me

My photo
I have been treating my friends, family and clients with Homeopathy for a range of physical and emotional symptoms over the last 10 years. I hold a Licentiate in Homeopathy from the South Downs School of Homeopathy graduating from a 4 year course and I hold professional indemnity insurance with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths ( I am married and we have two children who have been treated with homeopathic remedies for their ailments and emotional challenges in life. I have undertaken further training in the use of Bush Flower essences and also 'Person Centred' counselling skills. I also work at an Organic Dairy farm who sell raw milk, butter and cream. I am a big fan of locally sourced, raw food produced thoughtfully for the animals and the environment. I find that Homeopathy is an effective, safe and non toxic system of healing which assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. It recognises that symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and it is the patient who needs treatment not the disease.

Making a difference

As the old man walked along the beach at dawn, he noticed a young woman ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Finally catching up with the woman, he asked her why she was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until morning.

'But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,' he said. 'How can your efforts make any difference?'

The young woman looked at the starfish in her hand and then threw it to safety into the waves. 'It makes a difference to this one!' she said.


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Ear infections 
are commonplace within the younger generation and can also cause severe problems in adults.
Since there appears to be no prospect of prevention, the debate as to whether homeopathic treatment, antibiotics or placebos are the best form of cure, seems set to continue. The recent
meta-analysis of studies, published in the Journal of American Medical Association,
showed, however, that the use of antibiotics only slightly improved the sufferer’s symptoms compared with a group not given any treatment. The improvement in health was, unfortunately,
offset by side effects such as rashes and diarrhoea.
There have been scientific studies which confirm that homeopathic treatment is superior to both antibiotic treatment and/or no treatment at all. In 1997, a study, published in the International
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, examined the recovery period of 131 children suffering from ear infections. The children were divided into two groups – those using
antibiotics and those using homeopathic remedies. The conclusion was that the group treated with homeopathy recovered, on average, a day faster than the group treated conventionally.
In order to determine homeopathy’s.

How homeopathy can help treat ear infections

Ÿ Pulsatilla 30c - excellent children's remedy for ear infections; sufferer is clingy, weepy, and
craves affection; there is a yellow or green, bland discharge from the nose or ears

 Belladonna 30c - earaches which come on suddenly with intense pain, ear is bright red and
there is a high fever
Ÿ Hepar Sulphuris 30c - use when a sharp, severe earache which may be accompanied by a thick coloured discharge from the nose or ears; the sufferer is usually very irritable.

Silica 30C the patient is chilly, weak with itching and soreness of inner ear so that they want to press their finger into their ear. Subdued and lacking in energy, this remedy can encourage the ear to discharge matter.

Please note, in addition to the above remedies, ear drops or tablets containing a combination of different homeopathic remedies are easy to use and are an effective way to relieve the pain.
The dosage and repetition for any of these remedies can be given as needed, for example every 15-30 minutes for up to six doses during an acute crisis and then three times daily as
symptoms subside.

Homeopathy & menopause

It is believed that a third of menstruating women report symptoms which significantly affect the quality of their lives. Each month, around 85% of women of child-bearing age experience a number of symptoms which give advance warning of an approaching period.
There are more than hundred recognisable symptoms for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), with the most common including emotional instability, irritability, depression, fatigue, poor concentration, abdominal pain, headache, breast tenderness and weight gain.
These symptoms arise during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (7-10 days before the
onset of menses), peaking the day before and usually abating a few days after the commencement of menses.
The aim of conventional medicine is to ameliorate PMS symptoms, often by prescribing tranquillizers, diuretics or the oral contraceptive. There are a number of treatments available which generally have only short-term benefit and with few providing relief for longer than a few months. The effectiveness is often coupled with unwanted side effects and adverse reactions to the medication. A number of homeopathic remedies which could eliminate or alleviate symptoms in a safe and effective way are listed below:-

Ÿ Calc carb – useful if sufferer is nervous, anxious or depressed; has
headache; abdominal or pelvic pain or breast swelling. 
Symptoms are worse in cold air; during bathing; exertion; from pressure of clothes; from
Ÿ Lachesis – use with symptoms of extreme rage, jealousy, irritability; hot
flushes; headaches; insomnia; congestion of the lower abdomen or breasts.
Suffering is often worse in the morning; from heat; slight touch or pressure;
in sunshine; through alcohol consumption. Better from cold drinks; open
air; and hard pressure.
Ÿ Lycopodium – use if sufferer is depressed, irritable and emotionally unstable; if there is a history of liver disorders, ovarian pain and cysts.
Symptoms are worse from the pressure of clothing; warmth; eating; but better from motion; urination; warm drinks and open air.

Ÿ Nat mur – use if sufferer has a feeling of abandonment; a rapid alternation between sadness and anger; emotional instability; depression; a deep sense of hurt whilst maintaining an appearance of being cool and aloof and soldiering on rather than confronting the emotional pain. Physical symptoms include thirst; worse for warmth with craving for cool fresh air; dry skin; pain in lower abdomen and lower back; fainting;weight gain.

Ÿ Pulsatilla – use if sufferer has self destructive tendencies; mood swings; sense of shame; depression with weeping; guilt; lack of self esteem; irritability; migraine headaches; nightmares; restlessness; weakness; mastalgia [breast pain]. Symptoms are worse from clothing; warm air; sun; evening; rich and fatty foods; and rest.
 Symptoms better for cold, fresh open air; after crying or consolation; and an erect posture.

Ÿ Sepia – use if sufferer has apathy; indifference to others; chilliness, dislike of fuss and consolation and has feelings of being overwhelmed.
Physical symptoms include nervousness; restlessness; headaches; nausea; constipation;
eczema; acne. 
Symptoms are worse from cold air; in the morning or evening; touch; sitting and standing. Symptoms are better from warmth; pressure; vigorous exercise.

For an individualised prescription,please consult your local practitioner.
In order to find your nearest homeopath,
please visit our website at
Article taken from
Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine - Issue No: 16

Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine
Published by the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths, Millbrook, Millbrook Hill, Nutley, East Sussex, TN22 3PJ
Tel: 01825 714 506 Email: Website:
All material in this publication is provided for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction
should be based solely on the contents of this information. Readers should always consult with an appropriately trained and qualified health
practitioner on any matters relating to their health and wellbeing. While every care is taken in preparing this material, the publisher cannot accept any
responsibility for harm or damage caused by any treatment, advice or information contained in this publication. Published material represents the
views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine, or the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. No
part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, without the written consent of the publishers, except for the purpose of
reference or review where small extracts may be used. These extracts shall include reference to both author and publisher.
© Alliance of Registered Homeopaths 2010

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Homeopathy and Depression

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 08:03 AM PST

Don’t be depressed – homeopathy is here to help

In a recent blog, the topic of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) was tackled, where sufferers experience episodes of depression during the winter months. This blog concentrates on classical depression which apparently affects 4.5% of all European citizens.

It is the most common reason why employees take time of work and is believed to cost the European economy, annually, over 100 billion Euros. The World Health Organisation, (WHO), expects it to become the second most common form of ill-health by 2020. 

No wonder, then, that depression is one of the conditions most commonly treated by Homeopaths.
There are several clear differences between SAD and classical depression. SAD is usually experienced during autumn or early winter and often lifts in spring and, as you might expect, the sufferer’s mood is directly influenced by daylight hours. SAD sufferers also have a tendency to sleep and eat more resulting in an increase in weight.

There is, in contrast, no obvious seasonal pattern with classical depression, with sufferers experiencing their symptoms throughout the year, irrespective of daylight. The  victims of classical depression often have difficulty sleeping, and loss of appetite and, as a consequence, weight remains the same or decreases. By contrast, other sufferers can experience an increase in appetite which may result in severe weight gain.

A survey, conducted at a university hospital outpatient clinic, questioned 1,783 patients regarding their reasons for using homeopathy. Depression was the most frequently treated condition. A significant improvement in health was experienced, through homeopathic treatment, by 63.6% of the depressed patients, while between 40-60% of depressed patients, using conventional treatment, re- lapsed.

So if you suffer from depression, why not book a consultation with a Homeopath. Go to, and 'Find a Homeopath'.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Inspirational verses

Part of The Inaugral speech from Nelson Mandela:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous?’ Actually, ‘Who are you not to be?’
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us;
it’s in everyone, and as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Another favourite of mine:

Desiderata by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant – they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career however humble-
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to the virtue there is, many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering to the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune but do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

Things we can do to help ourselves:

Many doctors have come to believe that the future of medicine depends upon a better understanding of how to boost the tools and defence systems that our bodies have for fighting disease. I have written several information sheets of things to avoid and alternatives but I do not wish to alarm you with more worries that you may have not even considered. Pick something that is achievable and appealing at first, that is a good enough place to start as we are all a work in progress.

Exercise –The Harvard Alumni society set up in the early 1960s to follow more than 17000 graduates of an average age of 46 when first recruited, reported that deaths from all causes were reduced by physical exercise. The amount of protection offered by vigorous exercise, as compared to not exercising, was the equivalent to the difference in the mortality rate between non-smokers and those who smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Exercise moves your lymphatic system to excrete toxins, tones your muscles including your heart muscles and raises your mood. Researchers at Duke University studied people suffering from depression for 4 months and found that 60% of the participants who exercised for 30 minutes three times a week overcame their depression without using antidepressant medication. Another study found that short workouts of 8 minutes in length could help lower sadness, tension and anger along with improving resistance to disease in healthy people. Many people exercise to boost confidence along with reducing anxiety and stress, all of which contribute to psychological health and well-being. Work your core muscles too (of the trunk, front and back) these support all of your body and use free weights, they are better than machines.

Mind/ emotional status-

Hope is what Drs and alternative practitioners need to provide as no scientist, no matter how learned, can predict how a given patient will respond to the challenge of illness and healing. Many a magazine or friend will tell you about miracles that have happened against all odds for people dying of various ailments and the common factor is often hope and a positive attitude.

If you feel stuck with a particular emotion like anger, guilt, regret, grief or fear then seek help, there are so many good therapies out there to help you get a better balance.


Illness remains one of the leading mysteries in life, ‘Why does it happen to me? What did I do wrong, what do I need to change, and with some illnesses – Will I live through it?’

Some of the following pages may well give you ideas of areas to address in your life but at some point you need to get past the questions and focus on your healing in the present time. Many people turn to the comfort of faith in divine guidance, they let go of their questions and give them over to ‘the divine’ or whoever that might be for you. The spirit needs nourishment to heal just as the mind and body do, so try to inspire yourself through the stories and wisdom of others who have changed their lives. Read the tales of the Hasidim, explore the Kabbalah, the Sufi parables, poetry of Rumi the biographies of Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa or Gandhi amongst many (I enjoyed Soul on the Street by William Roache of Coronation Street fame who had a lovely slant on life, death and spirituality). Go to your local library and see what finds you!!

As you absorb truths and stories that nourish the spirit, you will feel energy released within you, some people call this energy ‘Grace’. It can fill you with the perception that there is nothing you cannot handle and that all will be well no matter the outcome.


Everything in moderation, try to avoid overly processed foods with no nutritional value, full of sugars, hydrogenated fats, salts, preservatives and flavour enhancers ( E Nos). Eat wholegrain, fresh and where possible organic. Drink plenty of filtered water, not too much meat (for the environment as well as your digestion) and include fibre to ensure that your body can pass a daily motion to avoid a build up of toxins. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates (foods made with refined white sugar and flour) that are stressful on your body to digest and provide little benefit. Eat little and often to stabilize blood sugar levels and mood. Rotate your protein sources to minimize your exposure to chemicals found in fish (mercury and industrial waste from polluted waters), nitrates are carcinogenic and found in sausages, bacon and smoked meats and pork often contains parasites. Barbequed mixed grill anyone? - not too burnt as that can be carcinogenic too!

Transfats produced by hydrogenation (look out for hydrogenated fats/ oils on the ingredients list on pastry, cakes, pre-prepared foods) raise levels of low density lipoprotein LDL or bad cholesterol. These types of foods also lower HDL or good cholesterol leading to greater risks of heart disease and stroke.

Source J Am Coll Nutr, 1996; 15;325-39.

A moderate amount of saturated fats from good sources such as live whole milk (not pasteurised) or organic butter may help prevent heart disease, osteoporosis and even cancer (read ‘Trick and Treat’ by Barry Groves who promotes a low carbohydrate way of eating and exposes many of our myths about healthy eating including low fat, high carbohydrate ‘healthy’ convenience foods that he feels contribute to our poor health).

Source J Intern Med, 2005:258; 153-65.

Sleep -

Get seven good hours of sleep a night. In a Spanish study, people who slept significantly more or less than seven hours were overweight or even obese. It was worse for people on five hours or less or nine hours and more and can also be linked to increased risk of diabetes as sleep deprivation alters hormone levels and the secretion response to insulin from metabolizing carbohydrates.

Source Am J Clin nutr, 2008; 87; 310-6.

It is important that we stop working one hour before bedtime to avoid over stimulating the mind and ensure that the bedroom is dark, well ventilated and free from electrical equipment that might be creating electromagnetic fields that disturb your peace.

Breathe through your nose, the Buteyko method may help as can yoga.

Fever and medications –

Fever is the body’s natural way of killing disease and taking medication to suppress your symptoms of disease merely moves it to another part of your body. In fact there have been studies using infrared energy and far infrared energy-FIR (different wavelength of energy found in sun rays). These studies used FIR sauna thermal treatments in 25 men of average age 38 with at least one coronary risk factor such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol or smoking and found that after two weeks their blood flow and blood vessel dilation had significantly improved.

Source; J Am Coll Cardiol, 2001; 38; 1083-8.

Our bodies know what they are doing when they create a fever, don’t interfere with the process.

Certain medications are over prescribed and should be limited where possible as their long term use affects the liver, your mood, your digestion and can lead to other problems such as the link between steroids and osteoporosis, the pill contraceptive and cancer in later life. Look for alternatives, take responsibility for what goes into your body and do your own research.

Before you vaccinate look up, and, look at both arguments

Get enough vitamin D - from sunshine without sunscreen (15- 20 minutes per day) and supplementation. People who regularly supplement with vit D increase their longevity and gain natural protection against most cancers. It may also boost immunity, and protect against a range of diseases including heart disease. Around one third of the general population is vit D deficient which is found in milk, yoghurt, eggs, fatty fish and yeast. The body naturally produces it when exposed to sunlight but in the UK our sun is not strong enough from October to April. For those who do not get enough, supplement with 400- 1000 IU (international units) of vit D3 (the natural form). Children especially need vit D to grow healthy bones. Deficiency signs are joint pain, stiffness, muscle cramps and tooth decay.

Source Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2008; 162;538-43. Curr Med Res Opin, 2008;24;139-49.

Stress and stimulants-

Foods can stress your body as well as caffeine, alcohol and hot spices that load up your liver and adrenals. Poor filtering by the liver leads to a build up of toxins in your blood stream resulting in possible damage to other parts of your body, not to mention poor energy and immunity against colds and viruses. Try to eat when you are calm, chew your food well and drink 30 minutes away from meals to avoid drowning your digestive enzymes allowing only partial digestion to occur.

If you are stressed through work, family, relationships or just life and need help in dealing with this then ask a professional or friend for their suggestions. Life is said to be 80% about how we take it which starts with calming the mind and learning to listen to our inner voice/ intuition dealing with this moment here and now, the future is for another time.

Cultivate a ready ability to empathize and forgive.

Find your tribe - Isolation is stressful. If you don’t have a close family, then assemble one through church, work or leisure, meet and share regularly.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

News and information from ARH

for the winter news click HERE:

How to contact me!

just add a comment to this posting  and a message will be sent to me ....don't worry it won't appear on the blog! Don't forget to add YOUR contact details!


What is Homeopathy? Is it like herbs? …….

I am frequently asked this question and I often reply that some of our remedies are indeed made from herbs, plants, flowers and trees amongst other things, but the dose that you receive has been diluted and made energetic, at which point most peoples’ eyes glaze over! However I must add that it works on all ages from birth to second childhood, is safe, non toxic and aims to stimulate your body to heal itself.

Expression of illness can be different for each of us, some have a tendency to a weak chest so that every cold may result in thick catarrh that is difficult to expectorate, whilst others end a virus with an upset digestion. These are all examples of how unique we all are and how we need different stimulus to make us feel well again. For a robust, healthy individual, an early night, with extra fluids and a healthy sweat with raised temperature can be sufficient to let the body heal itself. However if we are stressed at work, with disturbed sleep, poor nutrition, living off caffeine to get by and taking every suppressive medication that is available, then an illness can set in for longer and we need something stronger. Homeopathy can help.
Homeopaths have a warped sense of humour and will often say’ jolly good’ when you tell them that you have had a lot of nasal discharge or loose bowel movements since the last prescription. Such symptoms can demonstrate that your body is discharging unwanted toxins or waste, be that physical or emotional, from within and as the old saying goes’ better out than in’ ! One of the early signs that you are responding favourably to a remedy is the partial restoration of your energy levels and at this point you usually stop taking the remedy so that your body can continue with the repair work.
At this time of year, there are often people suffering with persistent coughs and there are many homeopathic remedies that can help. Bryonia is available in pill form or cough syrup from Hailsham Health Foods in St Mary’s Walk and it may be useful for dry, tight coughs with little expectoration, there may be  pains in the chest when coughing and  a great thirst. We have many other remedies for loose coughs, spasmodic coughing attacks, loud, deep chesty coughs and the type that make you feel that you are choking, a different remedy for each type. If you notice that you are succumbing to most viruses that are circulating, perhaps Homeopathy could build up your resistance so that you become less susceptible, however professional medical advice should always be sought if you have any concerns. Homeopathic advice should not be used instead of a doctor but the two can complement each other.

I find that at the first signs of a cold, Aconite 30C taken every hour for 5-6 doses is helpful followed by Ferrum Phos 30C as a boost to the circulation which can often maximise your own self defense mechanism. If there is a sign of a tight chest or dry cough, Bryonia alternated with Ferrum Phos can be useful in some cases but ask your Homeopath for advice. Obviously more water, fruit and vegetables with less meat/ dairy products can assist your body and zinc supplements have been tested and found to reduce the length of a cold.

If you would like to book an appointment then ring 07837 029538 or Horam Natural Therapy Centre on 01435 812997 and ask to see Caroline Wilson.

Topical Issue- homeopathy and autism

Look at this website for info: