Caroline Wilson

Caroline Wilson

A Homeopathic consultation:

During a Homeopathic consultation, your practitioner will ask many questions to build up a complete picture of your condition, including your past medical history and emotional challenges to understand your individual needs. This consultation does not take the place of a diagnosis from your doctor and I would encourage you to have regular checks on your health with your doctor, not least to measure your progress.

Clients often feel a sense of wellbeing, optimism and relaxation after taking their homeopathic medicines that are usually supplied in sugar tablet form.

The speed with which you feel relief will depend on the condition being treated. Your recovery rate will also depend on the nature and duration of the illness and your individual vitality.

I would welcome the chance to discuss your particular ailments with you, feel free to leave me a comment with your contact details and I will respond as soon as possible. I work from clinics in Hailsham (Bethany House Surgery in Battle Road) and Horam in East Sussex (Horam Natural Therapy Centre 01435 812997).

About Me

My photo
I have been treating my friends, family and clients with Homeopathy for a range of physical and emotional symptoms over the last 10 years. I hold a Licentiate in Homeopathy from the South Downs School of Homeopathy graduating from a 4 year course and I hold professional indemnity insurance with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths ( I am married and we have two children who have been treated with homeopathic remedies for their ailments and emotional challenges in life. I have undertaken further training in the use of Bush Flower essences and also 'Person Centred' counselling skills. I also work at an Organic Dairy farm who sell raw milk, butter and cream. I am a big fan of locally sourced, raw food produced thoughtfully for the animals and the environment. I find that Homeopathy is an effective, safe and non toxic system of healing which assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. It recognises that symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and it is the patient who needs treatment not the disease.

Making a difference

As the old man walked along the beach at dawn, he noticed a young woman ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. Finally catching up with the woman, he asked her why she was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until morning.

'But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,' he said. 'How can your efforts make any difference?'

The young woman looked at the starfish in her hand and then threw it to safety into the waves. 'It makes a difference to this one!' she said.


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Homeopathy & menopause

It is believed that a third of menstruating women report symptoms which significantly affect the quality of their lives. Each month, around 85% of women of child-bearing age experience a number of symptoms which give advance warning of an approaching period.
There are more than hundred recognisable symptoms for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), with the most common including emotional instability, irritability, depression, fatigue, poor concentration, abdominal pain, headache, breast tenderness and weight gain.
These symptoms arise during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (7-10 days before the
onset of menses), peaking the day before and usually abating a few days after the commencement of menses.
The aim of conventional medicine is to ameliorate PMS symptoms, often by prescribing tranquillizers, diuretics or the oral contraceptive. There are a number of treatments available which generally have only short-term benefit and with few providing relief for longer than a few months. The effectiveness is often coupled with unwanted side effects and adverse reactions to the medication. A number of homeopathic remedies which could eliminate or alleviate symptoms in a safe and effective way are listed below:-

Ÿ Calc carb – useful if sufferer is nervous, anxious or depressed; has
headache; abdominal or pelvic pain or breast swelling. 
Symptoms are worse in cold air; during bathing; exertion; from pressure of clothes; from
Ÿ Lachesis – use with symptoms of extreme rage, jealousy, irritability; hot
flushes; headaches; insomnia; congestion of the lower abdomen or breasts.
Suffering is often worse in the morning; from heat; slight touch or pressure;
in sunshine; through alcohol consumption. Better from cold drinks; open
air; and hard pressure.
Ÿ Lycopodium – use if sufferer is depressed, irritable and emotionally unstable; if there is a history of liver disorders, ovarian pain and cysts.
Symptoms are worse from the pressure of clothing; warmth; eating; but better from motion; urination; warm drinks and open air.

Ÿ Nat mur – use if sufferer has a feeling of abandonment; a rapid alternation between sadness and anger; emotional instability; depression; a deep sense of hurt whilst maintaining an appearance of being cool and aloof and soldiering on rather than confronting the emotional pain. Physical symptoms include thirst; worse for warmth with craving for cool fresh air; dry skin; pain in lower abdomen and lower back; fainting;weight gain.

Ÿ Pulsatilla – use if sufferer has self destructive tendencies; mood swings; sense of shame; depression with weeping; guilt; lack of self esteem; irritability; migraine headaches; nightmares; restlessness; weakness; mastalgia [breast pain]. Symptoms are worse from clothing; warm air; sun; evening; rich and fatty foods; and rest.
 Symptoms better for cold, fresh open air; after crying or consolation; and an erect posture.

Ÿ Sepia – use if sufferer has apathy; indifference to others; chilliness, dislike of fuss and consolation and has feelings of being overwhelmed.
Physical symptoms include nervousness; restlessness; headaches; nausea; constipation;
eczema; acne. 
Symptoms are worse from cold air; in the morning or evening; touch; sitting and standing. Symptoms are better from warmth; pressure; vigorous exercise.

For an individualised prescription,please consult your local practitioner.
In order to find your nearest homeopath,
please visit our website at
Article taken from
Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine - Issue No: 16

Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine
Published by the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths, Millbrook, Millbrook Hill, Nutley, East Sussex, TN22 3PJ
Tel: 01825 714 506 Email: Website:
All material in this publication is provided for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction
should be based solely on the contents of this information. Readers should always consult with an appropriately trained and qualified health
practitioner on any matters relating to their health and wellbeing. While every care is taken in preparing this material, the publisher cannot accept any
responsibility for harm or damage caused by any treatment, advice or information contained in this publication. Published material represents the
views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine, or the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. No
part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, without the written consent of the publishers, except for the purpose of
reference or review where small extracts may be used. These extracts shall include reference to both author and publisher.
© Alliance of Registered Homeopaths 2010

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